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How we work


Thousands of new businesses are started each year, all needing expert advice as well as access to investors to get funding.


Initiatives exist to support entrepreneurs but only a handful succeed in actually getting support.

Outside of these initiatives it is either difficult or expensive to get expert help.


Many Startups with good business ideas fail due to lack of ability to get proper support.


Through Ven â–  Cat, Startups are instantly searchable by the Angel community.



Thanks to on-line, on-demand expertise by Subject Experts, the quality of their prepared data improves. Startups now have a straight forward access to Expertise and Angels, thus increasing their chances to fund at the right valuations.


Registration is free. This allows Startups to promote themselves to the Ven â–  Cat Angel community. For a small monthly fee they can use Pitchbuilder to build their Pitch and communicate one-to-one with the Ven â–  Cat Angels.


Ven â–  Cat Pitchbuilder helps entrepreneurs to review and sharpen their business models and complete their pitches.

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